
Executive Team

Caitlin Crommett

Founder, President
Los Angeles, CA

At  age 12, Caitlin began volunteering at a local hospice in her community. She quickly recognized an absence in this space of connection between younger and older generations. Knowing the potential for mutual benefit when these interactions do occur, she founded DreamCatchers Foundation. Caitlin is the author of How to Attract Millennials to Your Company: And Actually Keep Us! She is a sought-after speaker across the country, and through her speaking engagements, shares strategies for greater generational connection in the workplace, with the aim of creating a more connected world. Caitlin earned her BBA at the University of Notre Dame. She served, as the youngest member, on her neighborhood city council and is on the Board of Directors of the National Speakers Association, Los Angeles chapter.

How to Make the Hospice Experience Better for Everyone

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