What is a dreamcatcher?

Native Americans have long known that the night air is filled with both good and bad dreams. In order to respect and honor Spider Woman, the people of the Ojibwe Nation weaved Dreamcatchers to hang above the beds of their sleeping children. The dreamcatcher filters out the bad dreams and allows only good thoughts to enter into our minds when we are asleep. A small hole in the center of the dreamcatcher is where the good dreams come through. With the first rays of sunlight, the bad dreams will perish.

Our hope

Founder Caitlin Crommett is part Native American with her ancestry tracing back to the Penobscot tribe in Maine. She hopes to honor the elders of our communities with the gift of the dreamcatchers and by granting their dreams just as the people of the Ojibwe Nation have honored Spider Woman by weaving the dreamcatchers. DreamCatchers hopes to educate the communities involved by teaching about the origin of the dreamcatcher, how we can honor our elders, and how you can get involved.

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